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"Failure is the road to success. There are countless examples of this, such as Michael Jordan failing to get on his high school basketball team, then training all summer and when school started again he was one of the best. When we created Wiredelta in 2012, we were both business graduates with limited technical know-how..."
Mark Dencker
"The best gamification strategy is to really understand your customers, and have a good analysis of what is a key value for them. It is important, especially in a longterm gamification, to realise that most gamified solutions are dynamic systems that require updating, and are honed and refined over time - similar to mobile app development."
Oliver Simko
Shama, you have been described by Entrepreneur Magazine as "Zen Master of Marketing", it's a pleasure to have you with us on! Among your many achievements are founder, technology entrepreneur, best-selling author… Given all your experience I'm sure our startup community will be excited to hear your entrepreneurial wisdom!"
Shama Hyder
Marketing Zen
"I think the challenges are the same in many businesses from an entrepreneurial perspective: what am I trying to do, what's the product, what's the service, and it's also quite critical to work out if what I'm trying to do has been invented already or how am I going to improve on what's out there already."
Paul Duggan
"People tell you that there is a renaissance in hardware but we actually think there is a renaissance in prototyping. This renaissance in prototyping is fuelling the renaissance in hardware, and it's because of the new materials available for hardware creating phenomenal opportunities around innovation."
Liam Casey
"There is not one recipe to follow but that to be open to listen and learn. I often say that startups are kind of like Frankensteins that depending on what you know you first grow one hand and then the other one might be shorter. And then you grow a leg and then the other one ...because this is how resources come to you..."
Andreea Wade
"Having a definable USP is important too and the customer will ask: Why should I buy or change my buying habits for your new product? So you have to have a compelling argument. Finally be careful not to over promise and under deliver. You only have one reputation in this world and it takes years to build but seconds to destroy."
Derek Reilly
"Be nice - there have been many times that I could have charged some extortionate “rush fees” like agencies would for last minute work, but I haven’t because I know that if I scalp someone today they aren’t going to like me all that much going forward, and I’d wager that they won’t go around recommending me."
Ed Fidgeon Kavanagh
"My biggest pet peeve is when young entrepreneurs are scared to tell you their idea because they think someone will steal it. This is absurd for many reasons, but mostly because they never get feedback on their idea. When you have an idea, tell everyone. You’ll get feedback, and you may even find your first customer."
Kelsey Meyer
"My biggest challenge when starting up Quiip: I had a 3-week-old baby! So I managed to ‘launch a baby’ and ‘birth a business’ at the same time. Our first project ran 24-7 for six weeks, so being awake in the night due to my baby, came in handy. However like so many successful working mothers, I had an incredibly supportive partner."
Alison Michalk
"On the way up the skydive instructor told me there was a possibility we might go up to heaven instead of landing on the ground. He asked me if I would have any regrets if we didn’t make it and the one that sprung to mind was the regret of not starting up my own business. So I came back from holidays with the intention of handing in my notice."
Joanne Casey