"Inspiring talks with founders sharing their real startup stories and entrepreneurial insights!"
In this episode we talk to Paul Duggan, MD of TechShop, a membership-based workshop that provides members with access to tools and equipment, instruction, and a creative and supportive community of like-minded people so you can build the things you have always wanted to make. Paul talks about TechShop operations in the US and its expansion to Ireland, Europe and the rest of the world...
Learn about Paul's startup story and get a taste of what it is really like to be an entrepreneur in the "maker movement"!:
"I think one of the big challenges companies have today is employee retention. They hire the best and the brightest of people but when they bring them into the company they basically say this is the box that we would like you to stay in. And what companies find then is a challenge that people say ok I'm not fulfilled, I have greater skills, greater capabilities, so what the companies are now responding with is effectively saying well look we have membership with TechShop, why don't you take 10% of your time and go there to work on your own ideas."
Paul Duggan, Managing Director, Techshop
Paul's Startup Story (Interview Highlights):
1) Paul explains the
open access makers space TechShop.
2) Adapting the US model around the world - Paul works with universities and enterprises.
3) Pauls says that with its membership based model, TechShop is a social enterprise.
4) The Internet of Things and other factors that have spawned the renewed maker movement.
5) Removing barriers to quickly upskill - disintermediation the driving force behind this revolution.
6) Paul discusses the advantages of TechShop coming to your city, and its economic impact.
7) A melting pot for large multi-nationals, SME's and individuals to create a lot of development.
8) Paul mentions what companies are coming out of this open innovative platform.
Why don't you share your startup experience with other entrepreneurs in the comments below!
Paul explains the member profile of TechShop being varied with people from all walks and stages of life. Yet what all the members have in common is the desire to drive global innovation and build their dreams. What other member profiles do you see TechShop attracting?

Paul says TechShop helps the employee in terms of nurturing their own creativity and it also shows that the employer is a responsible employer who is nurturing the skill that they identified at the very beginning. Would you welcome the company you work for to join TechShop?
A one stop shop for innovation and prototyping. TechShop soon to operate in Dublin! Paul tells us the model that they build is effectively a partnership between academic and industry sectors. Has TechShop expanded to your city yet? What has been your experience with it?
According to Paul people leave Universities courses where they had access to great facilities and then suddenly they are locked out of these things. And now TechShop can give this access back to the people. Would you like to reintroduce these inspiring facilities back into your life?